Monday, December 29, 2008

8 Months Old...

This cute little boy just keeps on growing so fast! He is such a sweetie. He is very mellow and happy. He hasn't been doing too well with sleeping through the night again but that is about the only thing that is hard with him. I tried the letting him cry one night after I got a bunch of crap that he is still wanting to nurse in the night, I won't name any names... After 2 hours of crying he finally went to sleep, it was hard to listen to him do that. He did sleep through the night for a couple weeks after that but has started waking up again. I can't seem to get myself to put him through another night of crying like that though. I would rather just help him be happy than listen to the sadness and feel bad. Other than that he is such a good natured little guy.He rolls around and gets where he needs to go, No crawling yet. He has been trying to push up on his hands and legs but face plants shortly after. I have to say I am ok with it that he isn't crawling yet. I have a feeling that once he is mobile, my life is going to change to the busier!!! He liked playing under the Christmas tree...
His first time bowling at the Bischoff family Christmas party!!! He pretty much slept the whole time. He is out growing his Car seat. Good thing Santa brought him a new one for Christmas!

He likes to sit in his little high chair and pat everything.

We love our little Greyson! He has the cutest little laugh and loves LOVES loves his sisters! He has started to get slightly sad when we leave the room and he isn't with us.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Eve

We went to Rich's parents for Christmas Eve this year. Todd and Jade were there also. The kids were so excited and bouncing off the walls. And crying etc... Misha was so tired that night and had a little attitude but she was still so cute, other than that. They love this little window into the little play room at Grandma and Grandpa's house. This is what they did while we tried watching parts of the nativity movie.Saige was fun this year. She was so SO excited about Christmas she couldn't wait for Santa to come!!!!
The kids dressed up in nativity clothes. Porter is Joseph and Misha is Mary, so was Marli but she was turned around the ohter way there.

Saige was an angel and Greyson was baby Jesus.

Here are the 4 cuties so excited they could hardly hold still for a picture.

Grandpa read 'Twas the night before Christmas' to the kids but Saige was about the only one that sat still and listened for the whole thing. She was loving it! Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Cell Phone Pics

Saige, Misha and Cousins
Toddrick Von Crawford

Monday, December 22, 2008


At approximately 6:58 this morning as Rich was just about to open the door to his office when this happened. If he would have been there 5 seconds earlier, who knows what could have happened. This is the 2nd of two close calls we have had this weekend.

The driver is fine. It was a younger guy and he blacked out and went over about 5 curbs, through old gristmill parking lot and the police said he was still accelerating when he hit the building!!! Apparently this kid is already in trouble with the law, and this will now add to his troubles.

More info on the driver. He was on his way to an alcohol treatment class.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family Parties.

This year for Rich's family party we had lunch at the church and then went bowling! It was fun! We played Bingo bowling which was different because you try and get certain scores to win instead of just trying to get all strikes!

For my family party we also went to the church at my parents and had dinner and then hung out and did our annual present game. We used to always go to my Grandma and Grandpa's for our Christmas Eve party, but we have grown in numbers and it is too crowded now. I stole these pictures from my sister Leslie's blog since I didn't think about my camera that night.

Greyson and Grandpa Rex having a little chat!

When my sister took this picture of my girls she said "Say Boys!" And look at their faces, Misha's is especially funny!!! Too cute!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tractor rides and Misha Cutes!

A few weeks ago we went up to visit my parents and Grandpa took the grandkids feeding with him one morning. Maybe he was just trying to keep warm with all those little bods in there. They had so much fun! They love visiting up there and there are always cousins to play with. Mckay and Joshlyn had a sleep over too. Where's Grandpa, can you see him?

Yesterday I was hanging out with the girls and feeding Greyson before I had to go to work. Misha said, "Mom, I am going to keep you." I said, "You are? Oh good!"

I am going to keep you too Misha you cute little stink!!! I love being a mom!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

7 months old!

Greyson is 7 months old today! We have been practicing sitting up so we can master that skill! The pink boppy came in handy for practicing. That is what you get when you have big sisters I guess. A bunch of pink stuff! He is pretty good at it now although there is the occasional face plant. He is drooling a ton though I don't feel or see any teeth coming in. As you can see from his shirt he is constantly wet around the neck. I think I am going to have to start having him wear a bib all day long!

He loves to pat everything! Pat Pat Pat. On every surface, face, toy, whatever. He likes to pat! I told Rich that mabye he will be a drummer someday in his band. Rich didn't like that he was patting the girls baby doll though. He doesn't want him playing with girly toys. Well, that is gonna be tough since they are everywhere in our house!

Rich thought he needed to jam with him since he was wearing his little guitar shirt. Some boy bonding time I guess! I just hope he doesn' t make him deaf with the loudness...

And of course he loves his big sis! She was worried that he likes Misha better than her cuz she is gone at school all day and Misha is home with him but I assured her that he loves her just as much. Also, do you notice the scratches on his nose? He rubs his eyes when he is tired and keeps scratching up his nose! I try and keep his nails trimmed up but it doesn't seem to matter. He just keeps on scrathing up his cute litte face.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Super Star!

Saige was chosen to be the super star this week in her class. This means that she gets to be the line leader, pass out papers, basically the teacher's helper all week. We made a poster about her, things that she likes and things about her so her class and teacher can get to know her better. She also gets to eat lunch with her teacher on friday. She is very excited and said everyone really liked her poster. It will be hanging in her classroom all week.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Going Private

Hey everybody! We have decided to go private! If you want to be invited to read our blog leave us a comment with your info! Thanks!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Halloween was fun! The kids were excited about dressing up AND trick or treating. Well, I don't know if Greyson was too excited about dressing up but he made the cutest little dragon I have ever seen!

Misha was going to be a fairy but on Halloween day she decided to be a witch. We already had the costume from when Saige wore it when she was 3 so we were prepared!

Saige was a fairy but I think she looked like more of a butterfly but oh well. I was just throwing costumes together this year with stuff we had. It worked and she looked cute!

Rich took the girls trick or treating while Greyson and I stayed home and passed out candy. After they got back Rich put on his mask and took his guitar out on the porch and played music for all the trick or treators. My mom came and stayed the night with us that night and she got a picture of that but I didn't. If I get a copy I will try and add it to this post.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chubba Bubba!

Greyson is 6 months old! Time is flying by me at warp speed, I feel that way sometimes anyway. These pictures are backward in the order I wanted them but I am too lazy to go back and fix it right now so sorry. We started feeding Greyson baby food finally. He started with carrots a couple days ago. He pulled the funniest face when he took the first bite and then after that he just downed that jar of carrots. It is funny watching him try to suck the food from the spoon. He is loving it though! We started giving him some rice cereal about a month ago. He pulled a funny face with that too but ate all that I gave him and wanted more!
These 2 cute girls take such good care of their baby "BUBBA". They are so loving to him and helpful to me! When they want to be helpful, that is....

At Greyson's 6 month check up he weighed 19 lbs. 12 oz. WOW! Thus, the title of this post, Chubba!!!! He is also 27 1/2 inches long. So that puts him in the 90% for both height and weight. He is getting so hard to carry around in his carseat and his head is at the top and his feet are at the bottom. I don't want to switch him to a different car seat yet though because he can't sit up very good by himself yet so I don't know what I would do when we are at the store getting groceries. Plus I like that if he falls asleep in his car seat while we are running errands, he can stay asleep in the carseat if I have to go in somewhere. So, we will have to see. Maybe Santa will bring him a new carseat...Ha Ha!! Or I just need to start lifting more weights so he is easier to carry around in his carseat.

We love this sweet boy! He is so fun to have around!!! He is starting to babble and making more "talking" sounds. It is so fun to listen to and the girls are always telling me what it sounds like he just said. I better start working on teaching him mama cuz I heard him saying the da da da sounds the other day....

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Fun!

The girls couldn't wait to carve pumpkins so that is what we did for family night last Monday. They had fun each picking out what pumpkins they wanted for their very own. Including Rich!
Rich brought home some vampire teeth he got from his work and gave the girls these glow in the dark fangs! They were loving running around with these in and saying RARRR! Also going into the laundry room and closing the door so they could see them glow!

Cute little vampires don't ya think? Maybe we should move to Forks!!! Anyone else getting excited for the Twilight movie???