Thursday, July 19, 2007

My Brother Todd

This is a classic photo of Todd taken by his wife. He even signed it. Payback will come Jade. Just wait.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Saige's Alphabet Adventure

Sorry Mia, looks like Siage had the exact same adventure as Brighton, sorry to steal your thunder.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Misha Turns Two.

Last Sunday, July 8 was Misha's Birthday. After church, we went up to Mom and Dads house and cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill. Tyra put a lot of work into making the salad and preparing all the food. She was so worried we would not have enough meat. I think we still have a leftover week old burger in the fridge. I was eating burgers for a week.

Todd, Jade, Porter and Marli were there, Tyra's Sister from AZ, Tyra's brother his wife and three kids and Trya's Parents. Ty's parents drove all the way from Dingle for a two hour birthday party, and then drove back, so kudos to them.

Happy Birthday to Misha, we love her a ton, and she is one cool chic!

Skinner Reunion(Tyra's Side)

So after we left the Bischoff reunion at the Inn At The Lake, we drove to the other side of the lake for the Skinner reunion. The blue tent between the trees is ours. The water was shallow and warm. Saige collected about a gabillion shells on the beach, and Ty's brother brought out his boat, it was a good time, but we were glad to get home after six days at Bear Lake.

Tyra's folks kicking it at the camp site.
Some of Tyra's family kickin it.
Saige roasting a marsh mellow.
East beach at Bear Lake.

Tyra and Misha exhausted after two reunions in a row.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Bischoff Family Reunion, Part 1&2

Youtube wouldn't let me post this as one video saying it was to long. So there is a part one and part two to this. Enjoy!
Part 1

Part 2

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Entertainment Center

Tyra has a really cool brother who is very talented at building things. Tyra basically told him what she wanted and he made this for us. Here are some pictures of us painting it, and the final product.