Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Would you be mad?

So tonight as I was tucking in Saige and Misha we were talking and out of the blue Saige asks "Mom, would you be mad at me if I put a sign outside that said 3 Free Kids?" And I said, "Yes I would be mad." And Saige said "Why? How mad would you be?" And I said, "I would be very mad because I wouldn't want anyone to come and take you away from me, I always want you with me." And Misha pipes in, "I would be mad at you TOO Saige!" I am glad at least one of my girls likes being in the family! Lol! Kids say the funniest things sometimes...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Greyson's mow...

G has decided he likes to help dada mow the lawn. So now multiple times a day he is asking to "go etside and mow..Inna mow Inna mow etside." It is pretty cute.

I hope he still thinks it is as fun when he is 10 and has to do it for reals. :0)

Memorial Weekend

We went with Rich's family to Willow park for the annual Memorial Day picnic. The kids Love going to the zoo. Greyson was so excited about all the animals. The kids got a kick out of these pellicans trying to eat a binki that someone had dropped and rolled in there. They kept chewing it and spitting it out.
By the way...We cut Saige's hair last week and I haven't gotten a picture of it yet so here ya go. She decided one night she wanted to cut it so I did. It will be nice for the summer I think and I won't have to listen to her cry about all the tangles!!!! Yay!

Greyson hitching a ride on daddy's shoulders. Better view from up there.

Misha and Marli were so cute walking and holding hands. What cute little friends!

Misha's preschool graduation!

Last week Misha had her graduation from community preschool. She had 2 awesome teachers and learned alot this year. They did a couple of little plays and sang some songs and then they handed out there "diplomas and caps". She was so cute the whole time waving at us and Greyson was saying "Hi Sissy!" It was pretty funny. She had a big part in one of the plays she did and is quite the little performer. Wonder who she gets that from....

Misha's wonderful teachers Mrs. Pernoud and Mrs. Heister. These were 2 of the sweetest ladies and they loved Misha. I am so glad she went to preschool here. They were so awesome!