Wednesday, December 28, 2011


If this girl makes it through life with teeth it will be a miracle. So a few days after Christmas, the girls were out riding their new electric scooters and I was in getting ready for work when Saige came running into the house to tell me that Misha had crashed and had knocked out her teeth...I freaked out because I was remembering the last time that happened and it was no good...So I ran outside in the first clothes I had grabbed to put on and she was out there bleeding from her chin and mouth with a tooth knocked completely out with the root broken off and still stuck in her gums... So off to the dentist to get it looked at where they took an xray and patched up a chip on the tooth behind the one she knocked out. Poor kid. Then it was off to the pediatrician to look at her chin and see if it needed stitches...Luckily it didn't so he just steri stripped it together and sent us on our way. So glad it wasn't worse and now I am sending them out with helmets and gear to ride their scooters...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fun With Cousins!

Rich's brother Bruce and his family who live in Omaha were here for Christmas this year and we were so happy to get to spend a little bit of time with them. We headed over to Logan to the Cache Valley Fun Park to let the kids burn off a little energy and boredom. The girls had fun trying to learn how to roller skate. Saige and Brighton wore their cute animal hats to match each other. Brighton was so good to help Saige on the roller skates. They had alot of fun!
And Rich gets the award for being a great dad that day because when Misha was struggling to skate he just went and rented some skates for himself and went out and helped her. It was so much fun just hanging out with family and spending time together!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had our annual Skinner Christmas party the Saturday before Christmas up at my parents, well at their church. My very kind sister Leslie, who treats my kids like her grandkids and spoils them to pieces, gave my kids a couple little gifts and man were they excited. Greyson held his the whole way home and fell asleep with them on the way. So cute!Christmas Eve at the Bischoff's. We have started a tradition of going caroling at the nursing home and then go to Rich's parents after for Christmas Eve dinner. This year I had a really bad headache so I missed out on the caroling but made it up for dinner at the Bischoff's. This year Rich's mom did a Jerusulam dinner. The kids always are so excited to go to grandmas and were so hyper for Santa was coming this very night! They didn't go to bed until way too late....
And they woke up so very very early....They came in 2 or 3 times asking if they could go out and see what Santa brought before we finally gave in...So TiReD!!!! But it was way fun seeing them so excited! The girls had to wake up Greyson this year again, just like last year. Poor kid. He would have been fine sleeping a little longer but it didn't take him long to perk right up and get in on the excitement.
And, the aftermath.....
They were pretty dang happy and pretty dang spoiled...Happy Christmas 2011!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Decor.

It was fun decorating the new house for Christmas. I will probably want to add a little more in the future but I just used what I had this year. I am used to decorating a much smaller space so it will be fun to add a little each year. Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tavaci Christmas Concert....

Saige's Christmas Tavaci concert this year was really cute. She LOVES singing and doing Tavaci. She is a cutie and quite the performer!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Bischoff Family Christmas Party 2011

We did the nativity at the family Christmas party this year for the annual Bischoff party.Saige was an angel...
Cute little Greyson the wiseman...
Ashton, Greyson and Dalton the 3 Wise men...
And a sweet little angel Misha and Mary Marli. :)

Ward Christmas Party

Santa came to visit at our new ward's Christmas party! The kids were very excited to tell Santa what they would like him to bring them! :) Happy Holidays! Greyson wants a "yightning makeen yace tack" (lightning mcqueen race track)Misha wants a Fijit and a ipod...Just like her big sister....
Saige, who Also wants a Fijit and an ipod....Lets hope he delivers!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My little buddy...

Greyson is so fun. I am so thankful to have him in my life. He is hard in some ways but so much fun and makes me laugh. He loves to play with his sissies. He even plays dress up with Misha and Marli.He says and does the funniest things and keeps me laughing and entertained while the girls are at school. His latest saying has been "OH, What a Day!" Totally random. Also when it is getting later in the day and getting dark he has said quite a few times, "Is it getting dark? Oh, Not Again!!!"
He loves playing with toys and has such a fun imagination. He is such a sweetie!
And every once in awhile he will fall asleep cuz he is just plain tired, but that doesn't happen too often...And when he does by chance have a nap, he is up until way late at night. We sure do love our little dude and just want to hug and squeeze him all day long. He tells me not to pinch his bum cheekies tho, but I just can't help it! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Family Night Activity.

So the Monday before Thanksgiving we decided to do a little FHE on being thankful and made these cute oreo turkeys for the activity. We invited Rich's brother Todd's family over and the kids Loved it! Fun activity for kids...I couldn't find candy corns for the feathers so we used mike and ikes....

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Greyson funnies...

Greyson has been saying the funniest things lately...I have posted some of them to facebook but hoping to make this blog into a book I will add them here...One day G asked me where daddy was...I told him he was at work. Then he said, "I can't wait until I am a big boy and can go to wort (k's sound like t's). But how would I get there"??? Pause, then he says with much enthusiasm, "OH, I can drive the van!!!!" Then a few days later I was eating a bowl of taco soup and he said to me, "I don't like dat, if I eat dat it will make my head fall off and then you wouldn't have a Greyson head anymore and it wouldn't be able to talt (talk)..." So random!!! Then tonight he was saying "You know that movie with Buzz mom? They have toys that talt (talk), If my toys talt like that I would say HOLY CRAP!" Lol!!!! Love him!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Perry Park.

The kids are loving that Perry park is just a couple of blocks away from the new house!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

With the stress of packing and moving and unpacking....I didn't put much thought or effort into Halloween....So the kids had to just pick from the costumes that we had on hand...So, Saige was an angel....Misha was a witch....
And Greyson was a bat...
Thank goodness we had some costumes on hand and that they fit.... :) Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Best thing about the new house is....

The Big Jetted Tub!!! The kids are in love with it...Rich and I kinda like it too... :) We moved in the last weekend of October and Rich had a gig so I was unpacking like a crazy woman all by my lonesome...It was exhausting....I was so worn out....My lovely sister in law Callee came and helped me clean...Glad it is over...

Thursday, October 20, 2011


So after trying to sale our home for 1 year a couple of years ago we decided to take it off of the market and wait awhile. Well this time around we decided to try again and put it up for sale this fall, well, it sold after being on the market for only 6 days to the first person who came and looked at it. We are excited about our new adventures and about having a little more space...but it is also hard to leave because we put our blood, sweat, some morning sickness even, and tears into building this, our very first home...and after living in it for 7 years, you become emotionally attached...remembering bringing 2 babies home here and all of the other memories and holidays etc...We loved living in the good ol North Forty neighborhood!

Builder of the Month!

So this year at Discover Elementary they have a theme about filling each others buckets by doing and saying kind things. They talk about lifting each other up and being 'Builders' and each month they pick a couple kids from each class who have been noticed by the teacher for being builders...Well cute Misha was chosen to be a Builer of the Month and got her picture and a little award and they posted the kids who were chosen for the month in the hallway by the front office! So happy she is such a cute nice girl!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Misha's Abcessed tooth...

So, remember when Misha knocked out all of her teeth??? Well, they said to watch for any lumps above her teeth because after a trauma like that they could abcess.... Well it has been quite awhile since that happened but when we were going in for our bi-yearly cleanings I noticed she had a lump....and she ended up having to have it pulled....Poor girl....

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Taylor Swift Concert 2011

For Saige's birthday this year we surprised her with concert tickets to Taylor Swift and we decided to do it as part of Misha's birthday as well since they both really love her music. So September finally came and we were all excited to go!!!When we got there we realized our seats were clear up at the top, Rich had let the computer pick best seats available when he bought the tickets and they ended up being not so great but it was still really fun to see her in concert and it was actually one of my favorite ones I have been to! It was so great listening to the girls sing along and be so excited to see her. Saige kept wishing she could just meet her in real life and about lost her voice from all the screaming. It was a great night!