Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I can't believe my baby turned ONE year old today. This year went by so extremely fast...We LOVE our little boy and hope he had a fun FIRST birthday! We didn't do too big of a thing this year since he is too little to really care. We just invited some family over for cake and ice cream. I love his scrunched up little face in this pic. What a cutie!

I had a cute boy cake that I ordered on Monday with bugs and frogs on it and when I went in to pick it up today, they had forgot to make it, so they told me I could come back later and they would make it or I could pick out one of the already made ones for free. I chose free...They even added his name to it...

This pic is suppose to be the last cake pic but my computer is downloading the pictures weird.

It took him awhile to get in to eating the cake. He liked it right away but he was delicately picking tiny pieces of cake and putting it in his mouth. It was pretty funny to watch him. We kept waiting for him to just grab a big hunk of cake but he didn't. Saige ended up helping him at the end.

The birthday boy this morning while I was getting ready. He likes to turn his binky around and around in his mouth. I don't know why.

He is not even close to walking yet but he did learn to crawl on his hands and knees just at the end of last week instead of only army crawling, although he still likes to get around that way when he wants to get somewhere quick.
He has the sweetest smiles and laughs! I LOVE this BOY!
Sorry for the pink towel bubba, but you DO have 2 older sisters...
His hair has been growin pretty out of control lately so I finally gave him a haircut with the clippers. Here is the after shot. What a handsome little dude! Rich is thinking we may regret the fo hawk someday. He is cute with and without it, I think but I kind of like it with.
He chowed on a grahm cracker while I cut his hair.

On Sunday night I had the little girl cousins have a sleepover. They had fun staying up late. Brooklyn, Marli, and Misha.
Saige, Brighton, and Greyson...
The little girls slept in sleeping bags on the floor and the big girls slept in Saige's room. After I read them a story and told them now it was time to go to sleep, Misha said, "Mom, can't we stay up and have girl talk?" I was laughing so hard. What do 3 year olds have to talk "girl talk" about???? Prince charming I guess.... So cute! Love all these girls!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

In Loving Memory Of Our Nephew Derek Jasper

If you haven't heard about it yet, Rich's Nephew Derek was killed in a tragic car accident Last week. This is a video tribute to Derek. It has been all over the news, and here is a link to part of the story.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Saige!

7 Years ago today this CUTE girl made me a mom. I can still remember hearing her first cry and falling SO in LOVE with her! My heart felt like it would BURST out of my chest and I remember thinking how blessed I was and how much Heavenly Father was trusting me to send me such a gift. I know I am sounding sentimental and emotional but that is because I AM sentimental and emotional. I Love being a mom and even though I don't always have the most patience in the world, I hope that my kids know that I LOVE them with every single ounce of LOVE that I have and that I am TRYING to be a good mom to them. Saige is such a sweet and special girl. She takes after me in the emotional department and has very tender feelings. She is such a GREAT helper and loves being a big sister. She LOVES animals, especially horses and is a very good little ARTIST. She is always drawing pictures and wants to save EVERY one of them. On one of her drawings she even put "Warning, Do not Throw AWAY!" A warning meant for me I am sure, although I do try and save some of them. On all of her school work papers she brings home there is some little drawing or doodle on it. She loves to PLAY with friends and is becoming a good little reader. When she grows up she wants to be a cowgirl and a mom...She has been a lot of FUN and we are SO greatful to have her as part of our family!

We had her birthday party with some of her friends yesterday since it was still spring break and we had a Mermaid party. I attempted to make this VERY large Mermaid cake which looked a lot smaller in the picture that I got the idea from....Much larger in real life! We have alot of cake left over if anyone is interested...Come on over! And, I don't know where her arms are if you are wondering. I have been asked more than once. I guess she is an armless mermaid...
Saige and Misha doing there "Under the Sea" moves.
SEVEN Years Old!!!! Holy Cow!
It was kind of windy but considering the spring we have been having, it was a pretty good day.

The party favors...
Digging for the treasure at the end of the treasure hunt.

Getting their "tails" on for the mermaid race!
Get ready, get set, GO!

Then today on her "real" birthday I went to her class and took balloons and chocolate chip cookies for her to share with her class.
Saige loves her teacher Mrs. Bagley! She is very sweet and a FUN first grade Teacher!!!
Then tonight we had "spaghetti" by request and grandma and grandpa Bischoff came over for dinner, cake and ice cream!

And then presents! The funnest part for her FOR SURE! She got some FUN things from her friends yesterday that she was excited about and some FUN stuff today from us! We Love you Saige and hope you had a great day!


So, this past Easter weekend we went to Roosevelt to visit some of our friends from college. They have 2 girls about the same age as ours and it was a lot of fun! They have been living in California and moved not too long ago, so we are glad to have them closer so we can see them more often. The highlight of the trip, especially for Saige, was that on the day we got there after we had only been there a few hours, their cat had babies!!! They were SO cute and it was fun to see them and experience that. One kitten didn't make it so that was sad but the rest of them seem to be doing well. It was so weird because right when we got there Lacey was telling Saige that their cat was going to have kittens in a day and a couple hours later Mat is calling from the garage for Holly to come out there and we go and there are kittens plopped in various spots on the garage floor. It is like she couldn't quite make it to the box or something. We were all worrying if they were ok or not and didn't know what to do. It was cold and here were these little babies on the concrete floor of the garage. She finally made it to the box with one of them when we came and checked on her and she had another one while in there. So, Holly picked up the 2 that were alive with a wash cloth and put them in with her and we had Mat try CPR on the one that was clearly dead. It was really sad...I guess Holly and I had our motherly instincts kick in cuz we were worried about them all night. We had to keep checking on her to make sure she was taking care of ALL the babies...Needless to say we all dreamed about Cats that night... :)Of course Sagie has already picked which one she wants to be hers and has already named it, "Cutie"... it's one of the orange ones...
They also had fun playing outside...

Misha and Raegen were trying to drive the car. They would be going and when they were about to run into something they would scream! It was funny. They pretty much just drove around in circles because they couldn't figure out how to turn...

Greyson enjoyed playing Rock Band with Rich and Mat. He is always bopping his head to the music and Loves getting into Rich's studio at home. Rich is hoping he is in to music as much as he seems to be loving it already...

We went in to Vernal and swam at the new Rec center. It was an inside pool thank goodness because it was COLD and RAINY all day! The kids were loving it!

Raegen, Mat, Lacey, and Saige. I don't think I got any pictures of Holly and me this whole trip. I guess because we were always the ones behind the cameras...

This part of the pool is kind of like a mini lazy river but alot faster...Misha wandered off from Rich at one time and got pulled into it. She was pretty scared even though Rich got to her quickly. I think it scared her pretty bad though because that night she was scared to go to sleep and while I was laying by her she was telling me in detail how scary it was and how she hates that pool and never wants to go there again. She told me the next day that she got "sucked off" in that pool....I was trying really hard to not laugh and ease her fears some more... I think I have her talked into going through with swimming lessons in June...

Saige and Lacey were loving it though and had NO FeaR!!!

The Easter Bunny found us while we were there and the kids were pretty excited about that. Except Raegen thought the Easter bunny was still there in the morning and was nervous to come out and see... She did NOT want to SEE him!!!

The girls checking out their goods. They woke up SO early!!!! We were all so tired after staying up late playing games and catching up.

Greyson checking out what the Easter bunny left for him... He was so mellow, just crawling around the whole time and he loved playing with Reagen's doll house. I should have got a picture of that, it was the cutest doll house with lots of little furniture.

Saige and Lacey were best buds while we were there. They were like two peas in a pod doing gymnastics, playing, checking on the kitties and going marble mining. Rich didn't get any pics of that but they had a blast! Mat had to do a special dance to scare away the bugs and lizards for Misha so she would go with them...Thanks Mat and Holly for a fun weekend!