Saturday, November 1, 2008


Halloween was fun! The kids were excited about dressing up AND trick or treating. Well, I don't know if Greyson was too excited about dressing up but he made the cutest little dragon I have ever seen!

Misha was going to be a fairy but on Halloween day she decided to be a witch. We already had the costume from when Saige wore it when she was 3 so we were prepared!

Saige was a fairy but I think she looked like more of a butterfly but oh well. I was just throwing costumes together this year with stuff we had. It worked and she looked cute!

Rich took the girls trick or treating while Greyson and I stayed home and passed out candy. After they got back Rich put on his mask and took his guitar out on the porch and played music for all the trick or treators. My mom came and stayed the night with us that night and she got a picture of that but I didn't. If I get a copy I will try and add it to this post.


Leslie said...

What cute little Trick or Treaters!!!

Schad fam said...

They look so CUTE! I miss those little kids!

Amy W said...

Ahhh these are SO cute!!! Thank you to Saige for being the one and only child from our ward to trick or treat at our house. :) She is such a doll!

Hancocks said...

They looked so super cute dressed up! I love it when kids get all dressed up for Halloween. They just think they are so cool! It makes me laugh! Yours looked absolutely adorable!

Mama Mia said...

Darling! I like your costume too Tyra!