Saturday, December 20, 2008

Family Parties.

This year for Rich's family party we had lunch at the church and then went bowling! It was fun! We played Bingo bowling which was different because you try and get certain scores to win instead of just trying to get all strikes!

For my family party we also went to the church at my parents and had dinner and then hung out and did our annual present game. We used to always go to my Grandma and Grandpa's for our Christmas Eve party, but we have grown in numbers and it is too crowded now. I stole these pictures from my sister Leslie's blog since I didn't think about my camera that night.

Greyson and Grandpa Rex having a little chat!

When my sister took this picture of my girls she said "Say Boys!" And look at their faces, Misha's is especially funny!!! Too cute!

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