Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Wedding...

Rich's youngest brother Chad got married on Thursday. Here is the happy couple! Some of my sister in laws...Me, Jade, Mia, Callee and I think Ashton but I can't tell cuz he isn't looking at the camera...

Misha put her own shoes on.... Doesn't it look so comfy??? She would not let us help her fix them either...
Saige, Brighton, Porter, Brooklyn, Marli and Misha... Ashton and Dalton did not want to get in this picture... Aren't they cute cousins???
My 3 little munchkins... I can't believe they all looked at the camera at the same time!
Our little FAMILY!
Beautiful Brighton and Saige!!!
The ENTERTAINMENT! Rich and his brother Mark played songs in the back ground for every one to enjoy! It was a LONG but FUN day and night!

2 Months Old!!!

Greyson is 2 months old!!! I can't believe how much he has grown already! At his 2 month check up on Friday he weighed 12 lbs 12 oz and was 24 3/4 inches long. He is sleeping better at night. Yeah!!! The last few nights he has gone from about 10 p.m. to 5-6 a.m. Hopefully it lasts!!! He is still such a good baby! He smiles once in awhile but it is hard to get it out of him sometimes. He is also starting to try and make cooing sounds! He is so much fun! We sure love him!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A little of what we've been doing...

I told Misha to pose and this is what she did.... And this is Saige's pose sporting her new bike helmet and elbow/knee pads for learning to ride her bike. Do you think it is safe to ride a bike in a swim suit as long as you have the protective gear on??? I think she might still get some road rash in this outfit...:)

She actually did learn pretty fast. She was doing it by herself within 5 minutes of Rich helping her, although there were a few rough moments... Way to go Saige!!!
This little guy has been growing some chub on his face and chin. So fun to give kisses to!!!!
Misha in more awkward sleeping positions. One night when I checked on them I found her like this...
And one morning I found her like this... I prefer to sleep ON my bed, not hanging off half way or completely on the floor but she just doesn't seem to mind...If I wouldn't have been too tired to get my camera when I stayed at my parents about a month ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to feed Greyson and found Misha sleeping with her head right on Saige's bum...She must just be a very sound sleeper.
Summer fun playing with cousins. Misha and Marli were loving the wagon rides while eating otter pops...

And hanging out with friends...Saige and her friend Taya holding their baby brothers... Won't they be good mommies someday??? Greyson is about 3 months younger than Lincoln but is about the same length...Hmmm, I wonder where he gets that from....
Saige playing in her first T-ball game...
And hanging out with Callee and Jade at Callee's parents pool...It was such a fun day!!! My kids did not want to leave!!!
His hat is a little too big, it is looking like more of an umbrella in this picture, but still he's a cutie.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Well, It's Official...I'm a mom!

After 6 years of being a mom, I am actually official now because I went and got, as Rich calls it, "MOM HAIR"!!!! I have had long hair my whole life, except for the time I cut it in beauty school, and when I did that, Rich didn't talk to me for 2 days... So, I knew he wouldn't be thrilled but I have just been needing a change lately, and since the extra baby weight pounds unfortunately don't magically disappear overnight, I got brave and decided to chop off my hair..... I am sure many of you will be shocked because I am always so nervous to do anything drastic as far as lenth goes with my hair...Especially my friend Ashley who does my hair, she could not believe I actually did it. As soon as I told her I was going to do it, she hurried and put it in a pony tail and cut it off before I could change my mind! :) Here are some before pics...
And after!!! (We are going to the pool today with Callee and Jade so that is why I am in a swimsuit.)
So, what do you think??? Is it "MOM HAIR"? Do you like it long or short??? Either way I would love to hear what people think, so Leave A Comment people!!! :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Crazy Weather!

On Monday it was suppose to be pretty warm so we went to the pool for the first time this summer. It was warm but a little windy. It has been so weird, one day hot, the next day cold and rainy! It is hard to plan anything because you never know if it will be nice or not. Here is Saige freezing in the wind while I take her picture.Misha just hung out in the shallow end where I could keep a close eye on her, thankfully...
And we just kept Greyson in the shade mostly with blankets around his stroller so he wouldn't be in the sun or wind too much. He just slept and chilled in his stroller. This was his first time at the pool and didn't even get in the water! I think he is still to little for that.
The next day it was cold and rainy. We had Porter over and Saige's friend Mieke and to entertain themselves they made Monster Masks and tried to scare the neighbor boys that live behind us who were out jumping on their tramp in the cold. Pretty creative! They were making me laugh listening to them talk while they were making their creations. Saige even made monster hands and had me tape them to her. She tried scaring Jade when she came to pick up Porter. I think Jade was pretty scared!:)
Do we have a thumb sucker??? I don't know but it was cute so I had to take a picture! I think I might actually like it if he would suck his thumb because then I wouldn't have to be searching for a binki in the middle of the night when it falls to the floor...We will see. He likes the binki too! Greyson is 6 weeks old!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Greyson's Blessing Day

We had Greyson's blessing on Sunday June 1st. He looked very handsome in his blessing outfit and Rich did a great job blessing him. He was very calm and happy through the entire day. He slept most of it because everyone was holding him. He LOVES that and will sleep for a very long time when he is held, or in his car seat...
Before church, we were kind of rushing through pictures because we didn't want to be late!!!
Doesn't Misha look just so happy in this one?
Daddy and his little BOY!
After church we went up to Rich's parents for lunch. Most of my family and most of Rich's family were there. It was fun to visit and the kids had fun jumping on the tramp and playing.

Rich grilled up some Maddox burgers and we had a nice little cookout on the patio.
My niece Ashley holding Greyson. She is a great athlete and wants to play pro b-ball someday!
Me and my little cutie! It has been so fun to have this sweet little boy in our family. I want to thank everyone for coming to the blessing and for loving and supporting us and our little family! We love you all! My kids are lucky to have so much extended family who loves them so much!