Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I thought it was just boys, but.....

I am so totally wrong. These little girls love to WRESTLE!!!!! They do this all the time and they think it is so funny. They laugh and giggle while they tackle each other, and it is all fun and games until, you guessed it, SOMEONE always ends up getting hurt and then the crying begins. So much fun for mom and dad, let me tell ya! Misha is body slamming Saige....
And her victory!!!! She is one tough little 2 year old!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Red, White & Blue

Saige had a patriotic day at school yesterday and they were all suppose to wear Red, White, & Blue. They had an assembly and learned about the flag and she told me that they said the pledge of allegience "A lot!" I am glad that she is learning about our country at school because I probably don't talk about it as much as I should at home. She was excited to dress up for school but she told me that she didn't have enough white on, so I told her that I would paint a white star on her face. She was very excited about that and happy to go to school in her patriotic colors. I heard her telling her friend, "my mom is an ARTIST that draws stars!" I am hardly an artist, but it was nice of her to say anyway:) She is so funny sometimes!

Monday, February 4, 2008

The latest...

Today I had my 27 week check-up. They did another ultrasound today to check my "low lying placenta" to make sure it had moved out of the way! Yeah it moved! I am so glad about that. Here is a profile ultrasound pic of his face, oh by the way he is definetly still a boy!!! I have other pics to prove it but I will keep his "privates" private :) Here is a 3 D pic of his face but he kept his arm right in front of his face the whole time, so it isn't as clear as it could be.
Ok, I think this is probably the first preggers pic I have this time around. I guess I should have something to remember and look back on, even though I feel like a bloated balloon!
Here are my SILLY girls yesterday before church! They are so fun and they keep us laughing!