Thursday, January 29, 2009

9 months old.

He has been out as long as he was in! It goes by so much faster when they are out!!! I wonder why? He has had a busy month, within the last week of his 8th month he got his 2 bottom teeth, OUCH for me, and learned to crawl! Well, it is sort of a crawl, it is like an army crawl on his elbows and he kind of pushes along with his feet. But it gets him where he wants to go for sure! We will have to post a vid of it. It is pretty funny. He weighs 22 lbs 4 oz and is 29 inches, so he is in the 80% for height and weight. It also looks like his two top teeth are coming in too so, we will see how nursing goes when that happens. The girls didn't get their teeth until later so there wasn't a problem like this with them. But he likes to clamp down occasionally. YIKES! He had his first ear infection and now has a rash so they told me to stop the antibiotics and they will check him out tomorrow. I walked in the room and he was looking a little lost...
He is still really mellow and just a sweet heart! He gets a lot of love around here!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saige.........Dance Dance Revolution

The kids have been loving the Wii. Mario Kart is also a big favorite for everyone.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cousins and Treehouse

Saige gets so excited to see her cousin Brighton who lives in Nebraska when they come to visit. On Friday she got to have a sleepover at Grandma's while they were here. Both of the girls didn't have p.j.'s so Grandma provided them with t-shirts! They are such pretty girls, I can't believe how grown up they seem to be getting. They are only 1 month apart in age and Saige just adores Brighton!
It is Brooklyns birthday later this month but Bruce and Mia celebrated it while they were here and had a "butterfly Dora party" at the treehouse museum. It was so much fun. The kids LOVED it...

So did Rich as you can see. He got in on some of the fun!

My beautiful sister in law Mia and her girls Brighton and Brooklyn the birthday girl!

All the cousins at the party.

Misha was so excited and came running to find me and tell me that she found the Tea party room! If you have ever been over to our house, then you know how much she loves to play tea party and have probably sampled some of her "tea"!!!

Greyson and Aunt Jade. She watches my kids when I work on Thursdays for a couple hours until Rich gets off work and my kids LOVE her! She is such a sweet aunt and my kids love to go to her house and are disappointed on the other night I work when Rich and I just meet at my work and swap vehicles cuz they want to go to Jade's house! She is always so nice and caring to my kids. We love her!!!

Greyson and Grandpa Kenny.

Cute cousins Greyson and Porter. Do you think they look alike at all??? Sometimes, I think. Maybe it is just the "Fo-Hawk"!!!