Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Greyson and the Terrible Twos

Greyson makes me laugh. Today I heard him yelling at the dog "Don't do dat woof woof, I spank u bum!" He was mad at him cuz Bugsy was chewing his shoes. He has been such a fun kid lately but also getting hard. He is starting to talk so much and is so funny with the things he says and the way he thinks. But he has decided he no longer wants naps and is very hard to put to bed lately. He has been wanting me to sleep in his room with him, he says "go night night me mom". He hits and kicks and yells, but he also gives kisses and gets over things quickly (compared to the girls :)) So, I am guessing he is in the "terrible 2's" phase but it isn't ALL terrible. His favorite movie lately is cars, he says " I wanna watch queen mom" and he loves to drive his cars and trucks all over everything, walls, couches, anything but the floor... I sure do love him. It is fun having a boy and seeing how he loves his dada and sissys. He can give you the maddest look with his eyes and then can have the sweetest smile and laugh right after. What a little character. He is quite a bit more mischevious and I defiently need to keep my eye on him more than I did with the girls. I have seen him more than once trying to stick things into the light socket. He is a busy boy. I am so greatful for him! I love him to pieces, terribleness and all! :)