Sunday, December 19, 2010


Click here to see Mishas message from Santa Claus.
Click here to see Saige's message from Santa

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas

This is what we did for family home evening the other night. It's our digital Christmas card.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Family Pictures...

Well, it turned out to not be a good day for family pictures...It was very cold and started sprinkling on us...and the wind.....YIKES! So this picture is pretty much how it went...Everyone crying and me with a comb over hair do...And Rich was just really enjoying himself. Also, I need to learn how to walk in heels cuz I totally biffed it. Isn't that how it is in family pics? You see everyone smiling and looking wonderful but really that is not what is going on....We did manage to get a few good ones. So thank goodness for that, we may actually get a Christmas card out this year....Maybe...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mr. Bear comes to visit...

In Misha's kindergarten class they get to take turns bringing home Mr. Bear and they are suppose to take pictures and document their week of adventures with him and then make a book they take back with them for the class to see. So, Misha colored with Mr. Bear..Danced with Mr. Bear....
Had icecream with Mr. Bear...
And took a trip to the store...She had a fun week and now Mr. Bear is off to another adventure at someone else's house for the week!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pumpkin Walk and Halloween 2010

So since it is almost Thanksgiving I thought I better get Halloween posted. We went to the Pumpkin Walk in Logan again this year! The kids loved it! They had some pretty cool displays this year. It was fun to look at. This polar express one was awesome!Don't they all look so thrilled? Oh my! Saige was mad cuz she didn't want to wait in line anymore so we were leaving. Then she found out she would have gotten a cookie and she was upset about missing out on that yummy treat. That girl loves her sugar! Wonder where she gets that from...Then on to Halloween night! I single mommed it again this year for the school carnival and trick or treating. Rich was out of town for a gig. We hope he is around next year. We all missed him! Saige was a vampire, and in case I forget next year, I should never use face paint on her again...She broke out in a rash that lasted a whole week after!!! Her face looked like a teenager with some major acne bumps...Yikes!And here is my little Lion! He was going to be a clown but the costume I got such a great deal on last year post Halloween on clearance didn't fit. Thank goodness for my good friend/neighbor for giving me all her old costumes from her little guy that don't fit anymore! Rraaarrr!And our sweet little angel Misha! She looked so pretty and was in "heaven" dressing up as one. That girl loves to be girly and pretty!
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Now onto my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Greyson and the Terrible Twos

Greyson makes me laugh. Today I heard him yelling at the dog "Don't do dat woof woof, I spank u bum!" He was mad at him cuz Bugsy was chewing his shoes. He has been such a fun kid lately but also getting hard. He is starting to talk so much and is so funny with the things he says and the way he thinks. But he has decided he no longer wants naps and is very hard to put to bed lately. He has been wanting me to sleep in his room with him, he says "go night night me mom". He hits and kicks and yells, but he also gives kisses and gets over things quickly (compared to the girls :)) So, I am guessing he is in the "terrible 2's" phase but it isn't ALL terrible. His favorite movie lately is cars, he says " I wanna watch queen mom" and he loves to drive his cars and trucks all over everything, walls, couches, anything but the floor... I sure do love him. It is fun having a boy and seeing how he loves his dada and sissys. He can give you the maddest look with his eyes and then can have the sweetest smile and laugh right after. What a little character. He is quite a bit more mischevious and I defiently need to keep my eye on him more than I did with the girls. I have seen him more than once trying to stick things into the light socket. He is a busy boy. I am so greatful for him! I love him to pieces, terribleness and all! :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Peach Days

This year Misha was the age to do the Junior Peach Queen pagent. It is only for 5 year old girls and she was so excited to be in it this year. She wore the same dress that Saige did when Saige did the pagent.

She was excited that Brooklyn was in the pagent as well.

And her cousin Marli!
We went and got some french fries and a ice cream at Peach city afterwards.

The junior parade was on Friday and Misha got to ride on the train with all the other little girls. Saige and Porter? Um ya, they are weird. :)


On Labor day weekend my sister in law Joanna invited us to go camping on their property in Idaho. Rich went to a gig so I braved it alone and the kids and I slept in the van. Fun times.... At Joanna's property it is right by a river and we floated down it on tubes. It was pretty fun. Misha cried about the whole way cuz she got scared in a few spots. I wish Rich would have been there to help out but my great brother in laws helped me out when I needed it! I sure do love the Bischoff family and am glad to be a part of it! Here are the 3 babies... Gemma... Cora....
and Greyson... :)
We Bischoff girls have some cute kids, right?!?!?!!!
Greyson and our little neighbor Teagen have a Love/Hate relationship. They Love each other sometimes and bug the crap out of each other sometimes. In this picture G is trying to Hug her and give her a kiss...I'm thinking she is not liking it one bit!Misha and Brooklyn looking like twins. They are such good friends.

Misha posing in some of her new school clothes. She is so excited!

First Day of School 2010

Saige is in 3rd Grade this year! Where has the time gone? I can't believe how grown up she is getting and she looks older too because she had to get glasses this year. She sure is a cute girl and has the most tender heart of anyone I know. We sure do love this girl!
Misha started Kindergarten this year! Holy cow I have 2 kids going to school now! That is so crazy to me! She is so EXCITED to go to school! She will Love it! She was way excited to get a new outfit for school and wanted to wear something new everyday. :)
At school with one of her BEST friends and neighbor Brooklyn!
Greyson wanted to stay at school with Misha. He was pretty ticked when we had to go home and the sissy's were BOTH gone!!! He kept asking me where they were the whole time they were gone.

County Fair

We went out one night to the county fair. The kids love going to see the animals and of course to ride the rip off rides. They were braver this year and tried out a few of the "scarier" rides. :) Misha inspired Saige to be brave!

They still love the carousel though so we had to go on that one. Greyson loved it!

And Misha wanted to go on the ferris wheel so Rich took them. She got a little scared when they were way up high.
Saige entered this bunny drawing into the fair and it was fun to go see it hanging up.

Happy Fair Y'all!