Thursday, April 29, 2010


I can't believe my baby is 2 already! Time flies for sure...It makes me a little sad how fast it goes by...Greyson sure is fun though and I can't imagine our lives without him. What a sweet little boy and I am so glad I get to be his mom. I forget how little he was. My babies never stay little for very long... He still loves that binki...It looks alot smaller in his mouth now than it did when he was brand new! He was very excited to get a choo choo for his big birthday.

And he loves horses too! He pretends to ride horses even if they are tiny and he makes the horse noise when he does it. So cute. We need to get that on video.

He was funny blowing out his candles. I am sure a little spit got on that cake from him. Oh well! Happy Birthday Bubba! We sure do love our little Greyson mcgavin!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Misha's hair and PINK guitar.

We stopped by guitar center last week for Rich to have a little fun and Misha found this pink guitar which she fell in love with. She now wants this for her birthday. Pretty cute. Rich even liked playing it but he was trying to talk her into a different color....But she wants it because it IS pink!She has also been trying to get me to cut her hair in a short A line ever since her cute little cousin Marli cut hers...So I finally gave in and did it because I was worried if I didn't that she would try doing it herself, and she was showing me to cut it by her eye...that would have been bad....But it turned out really cute and I love it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Church with kids...

So, today after having to leave sacrament meeting  with all the kids and go sit out in the foyer I said to Rich, "Sometimes I feel like it is pointless to come to church and I feel like we have 3 toddlers instead of a 8 year old 4 year old and almost 2 year old."  I know they say that it is still good to come so they are used to it and see the example of it and etc....but sometimes I sit and look at the well behaved kids and wonder what I am doing wrong...Mine don't pay attention and just want to eat snacks all through the whole meeting.  I have to tell them to fold their arms for every prayer and to be reverant so many many times.  Saige had the giggles today and was laughing at every single thing Greyson did which only made him do it more.  Although I had to stifle a giggle too when he poked the lady sitting in front of us in the bum and then patted her bum with his tiny hand and then thoughtfully looked at her bum and then pointed at it and saying very loudly, "BUM!"  He is obsessed with bums lately.  His, mine, practically anyones....And when he wants a piece of gum he even says " I want bum..."  Seriously.... Misha was throwing a fit because she wanted snacks which for some reason I was trying to get her and Saige to go without snacks during church cuz I thought they were old enough to do was a bad idea....and partly the reason we ended up in the foyer....Oh well.  Maybe someday they will sit reverantly with arms folded during prayers and listen quietly in church, snackless.  Maybe someday Greyson will go to nursery without crying his head off if you even think about leaving him in there without you.  Someday I will see that it was worth it....Right???

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I can't believe that Saige is 8 years old already! Time flies by so fast! She has been so so excited for her birthday and can't wait to be baptized in a couple weeks. Saige is such a sweet girl. She is very smart and doing awesome in school. She is a great big sister. She is very talented and can draw, write, make up stories, sing, and she has an awesome imagination. She loves animals and has a very big heart! We sure do LoVe you Saige Marie!!!!

Calving Season...

While we were up at my parents for Easter the kids were loving going out and seeing the new babies that my parents had been getting almost every day. It is calving season right now and I thought we were going to be lucky when one of my dads cows was in labor during the day and we all wanted to see the baby be born. So here we are checkin it out.Sorry, it is kinda gross but this is what it looked like while she was laboring. The girls kept asking what the red stuff hanging out of the cows bum was....So, anyhoo, this cow had been laboring for a long time and still hadn't delivered so my dad was getting a little nervous about her and thinking he may have to help her out by pulling the calf. He decided to give her a little more time and we went in the house. After about 20 minutes I decided to go out and check on her and I could see that she was delivering so I ran in to get everyone....Sadly when we got out we did get to see her give birth but the sad part was that the baby didn't live. It just laid there and never got up. It was very sad. This farming business is too rough on me cuz I get to sad about things...My dad got right in there to try and help the baby but there wasn't anything he could do. Poor thing. The mama cow just kept licking and licking it but nothing.... Sad huh!
The kids loved checking out the mamas and babies that had just delivered and were in the barn though. There were 5 babies born while we were there.

Greyson was so cute, he kept bending down to look in at the babies. It was so funny because he kept squatting down over and over to peek in.

Easter morning 2010

Greyson and Grandpa Rex.

We went to my parents in Idaho for Easter weekend. We haven't been up there since Christmas so the kids were Very Excited to go. They absolutely love it there and Greyson was having a great time with Grandpa Rex and wearing his cowboy hat EvErYwHeRe!!!! Love these 2! My dad is one GREAT man! Rich always teases me that I am my dads favorite. :) I don't think he plays favorites. I think he makes us all feel very LoVeD and special! Greyson wanted to see every choo choo train that went by so we scooted this chair over by the window so he could climb up himself and see. He loved it!

He even wore grandpas hat to town with Rich. What a funny little guy. I sure do love this boy!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Eggs...

This was our family night activity last Monday night. The kids had fun picking the colors and then stickering the eggs faces on after they were dry.This is the best one of Greyson I could get. He very much wanted to show me his egg.
Misha picked out these funny bunny glasses at walmart. I thought they were pretty silly looking but everyone seemed to get a kick out of wearing them.

I even had to try them on and see how I looked in these awesome shades!
Brody and Saige