Thursday, April 29, 2010


I can't believe my baby is 2 already! Time flies for sure...It makes me a little sad how fast it goes by...Greyson sure is fun though and I can't imagine our lives without him. What a sweet little boy and I am so glad I get to be his mom. I forget how little he was. My babies never stay little for very long... He still loves that binki...It looks alot smaller in his mouth now than it did when he was brand new! He was very excited to get a choo choo for his big birthday.

And he loves horses too! He pretends to ride horses even if they are tiny and he makes the horse noise when he does it. So cute. We need to get that on video.

He was funny blowing out his candles. I am sure a little spit got on that cake from him. Oh well! Happy Birthday Bubba! We sure do love our little Greyson mcgavin!


Hancocks said...

So cute!!! I seriously can't believe it has been 2 years already! Why is time flying so fast!? I love that he is two and still has a binki. I remember getting snide remarks everywhere I went with Lacey when she was two with a binki. She sucked on her binkis until they had holes in them! I love the riding horse picture too. That's too cute!

Leslie said...

What a little cutie!! I sure do live him!!

Leslie said...

That is supposed to be LOVE him!

Smith Family said...

Oh, time does fly! I love the candles on that cake! sooo cute. I can't wait to see how you get rid of that binky when the time comes... he sure loves it!!

Drew and Amber said...

Sad that they grow fast, but fun at the same time. That cake is super cute. and I think the top picture looks like he is hanging by the rail behind him with the top of his hat... LOL