Monday, April 19, 2010

Church with kids...

So, today after having to leave sacrament meeting  with all the kids and go sit out in the foyer I said to Rich, "Sometimes I feel like it is pointless to come to church and I feel like we have 3 toddlers instead of a 8 year old 4 year old and almost 2 year old."  I know they say that it is still good to come so they are used to it and see the example of it and etc....but sometimes I sit and look at the well behaved kids and wonder what I am doing wrong...Mine don't pay attention and just want to eat snacks all through the whole meeting.  I have to tell them to fold their arms for every prayer and to be reverant so many many times.  Saige had the giggles today and was laughing at every single thing Greyson did which only made him do it more.  Although I had to stifle a giggle too when he poked the lady sitting in front of us in the bum and then patted her bum with his tiny hand and then thoughtfully looked at her bum and then pointed at it and saying very loudly, "BUM!"  He is obsessed with bums lately.  His, mine, practically anyones....And when he wants a piece of gum he even says " I want bum..."  Seriously.... Misha was throwing a fit because she wanted snacks which for some reason I was trying to get her and Saige to go without snacks during church cuz I thought they were old enough to do was a bad idea....and partly the reason we ended up in the foyer....Oh well.  Maybe someday they will sit reverantly with arms folded during prayers and listen quietly in church, snackless.  Maybe someday Greyson will go to nursery without crying his head off if you even think about leaving him in there without you.  Someday I will see that it was worth it....Right???


Kenton and Haylee said...

I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! I can't imagine going to sacrament without snacks. My kids have to constantly be entertained with coloring or little toys and food. Kenlee won't step one foot into Primary. Every week it's a losing battle. Someday they'll get it...I HOPE! :)

Justin and Chalisa said...

I say give them treats! At least you can sneak some for yourself... I'm no better at sitting still than my kids are! My legs wiggle and I get so bored my mind wanders... food is the only thing that saves me :)

Smith Family said...

It will be worth it! Hang in there. Brooklyn has taken to reading The Friend but she won't whisper or read silently and then she gets mad when I say ssshhh. It is always interesting. Thanks for adding can see my blog if you want at: shaunlynettesmithfamily.blogspot. It isn't that exciting...

Amy W said...

When you speak of the 'well behaved kids' you are talking about my kids right?? Also, I bring snacks for ME! HAHA, I can't go three hours without a little something something. Your pics of Easter are so dang cute! Saige is a beauty at 8!

Rupper Family said...

I know how you feel, we all do. Brett brings candy and distributes it to the kids to keep them quiet and I just ignore them so they'll all bug him during sacrament meeting. Is that wrong???

Cassie Skinner said...

Okay, Tyra you have seen my kids in church many times...... I would have to say that the times I have seen yours they are complete angels compared to my 4 hormonal and drama queen girlies!n LOL I feel the same way as you, and think all the time 1 sunday down and only thousands to go with all of these girls! Somehow we all make it through it and we will forever cherish it when we are old and gray and sitting on the bench alone. I hope! i love that Greyson calles gum, "BUM". KortLyn does the same thing and I love it! I hope it all goes better for you in the near future!

Ballard Family said...

...and someday when there all grown up and gone we'll sit behind the family with the 3 little "misbehaved" kids and wish we had ours back. right?

Holly said...

Aww, sorry your kids were being a pain! Whenever mine are a pain I just plop them on Ben's lap- it's always good for a laugh because he's usually sleeping and it wakes him up! I agree that some days it feels pretty hopeless- "Am I even getting through to them? Are they learning anything?" I like to think that by at least going to church we're setting a good example/ developing a good habit. Misha's hair is TOTALLY cute by the way! I wonder if that style would look cute on me hmm......