Thursday, April 15, 2010

Calving Season...

While we were up at my parents for Easter the kids were loving going out and seeing the new babies that my parents had been getting almost every day. It is calving season right now and I thought we were going to be lucky when one of my dads cows was in labor during the day and we all wanted to see the baby be born. So here we are checkin it out.Sorry, it is kinda gross but this is what it looked like while she was laboring. The girls kept asking what the red stuff hanging out of the cows bum was....So, anyhoo, this cow had been laboring for a long time and still hadn't delivered so my dad was getting a little nervous about her and thinking he may have to help her out by pulling the calf. He decided to give her a little more time and we went in the house. After about 20 minutes I decided to go out and check on her and I could see that she was delivering so I ran in to get everyone....Sadly when we got out we did get to see her give birth but the sad part was that the baby didn't live. It just laid there and never got up. It was very sad. This farming business is too rough on me cuz I get to sad about things...My dad got right in there to try and help the baby but there wasn't anything he could do. Poor thing. The mama cow just kept licking and licking it but nothing.... Sad huh!
The kids loved checking out the mamas and babies that had just delivered and were in the barn though. There were 5 babies born while we were there.

Greyson was so cute, he kept bending down to look in at the babies. It was so funny because he kept squatting down over and over to peek in.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I love that picture of Greyson peeking down! How cute!