Saturday, June 21, 2008

A little of what we've been doing...

I told Misha to pose and this is what she did.... And this is Saige's pose sporting her new bike helmet and elbow/knee pads for learning to ride her bike. Do you think it is safe to ride a bike in a swim suit as long as you have the protective gear on??? I think she might still get some road rash in this outfit...:)

She actually did learn pretty fast. She was doing it by herself within 5 minutes of Rich helping her, although there were a few rough moments... Way to go Saige!!!
This little guy has been growing some chub on his face and chin. So fun to give kisses to!!!!
Misha in more awkward sleeping positions. One night when I checked on them I found her like this...
And one morning I found her like this... I prefer to sleep ON my bed, not hanging off half way or completely on the floor but she just doesn't seem to mind...If I wouldn't have been too tired to get my camera when I stayed at my parents about a month ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to feed Greyson and found Misha sleeping with her head right on Saige's bum...She must just be a very sound sleeper.
Summer fun playing with cousins. Misha and Marli were loving the wagon rides while eating otter pops...

And hanging out with friends...Saige and her friend Taya holding their baby brothers... Won't they be good mommies someday??? Greyson is about 3 months younger than Lincoln but is about the same length...Hmmm, I wonder where he gets that from....
Saige playing in her first T-ball game...
And hanging out with Callee and Jade at Callee's parents pool...It was such a fun day!!! My kids did not want to leave!!!
His hat is a little too big, it is looking like more of an umbrella in this picture, but still he's a cutie.


Leslie said...

Greyson HAS grown so dang much so fast!!! WOW! I wish you guys were home yesterday! I sure want to give that little guy some loves! I love seeing pic's! Way to go Saige on learning to ride a bike! Awesome! Looks like you all are keeping busy this summer!

Hancocks said...

How fun! You guys have been up to a lot of fun stuff lately! Congrats to Saige on learning how to ride her bike. That is so awesome! Everybody's growing up way too fast! We're gonna be in Logan the first part of July so we need to get together (Just me and the girls are coming. Someone's gotta stay home and work!) I don't know when I'm gonna be where for sure, and I won't have a car, so I'll just have to keep in touch with you!

Mama Mia said...

Brooklyn is loving all the cousins via the blogs! Can't wait to see you! Love Misha's sleeping positions!Yeah Saige on the bike and Greyson's cheeks are the best! Aunt Mimi wants to kiss them...Thursday he is MINE!

Tris said...

Fun stuff! Life and summer is always so busy, but usually full of such fun things to do and keep the kids entertained. I loved the sleeping pictures. Those crack me up. And I loved Saige in her protective gear and swimsuit. Very hot!

Drew and Amber said...

Looks like you have been busy having a great time in the summer! Your little boy is getting so big he is so cute!

Amy W said...

HAhaha!! I love all these pics! you are capturing the essence of summer. :) I saw Saige on her bike the other day on my run, and she was on a mission, headed for home - it was so funny!