Tonight was Saige's last t-ball game. She had a lot of fun playing.

Misha liked watching Saige play and climbing all over the benches.

Greyson just chillin in the stroller.

And then there was this poor kid who was on the opposite team of Saige tonight. He is Joe Dirt's son and I kinda feel bad for posting this but Rich and I could not believe this kids hair!!! It was the fullest mullet I have ever seen, especially on a kid. And it was so hot outside I am sure he was just sweating underneath all that hair. I was hoping his parents weren't watching me try and capture a picture of it cuz they would probably have thought I was some weirdo but I just couldn't help myself. It looks exactly like Rich's wig he wore for Halloween last year.

Here are some pics from Misha's Princess birthday. She was so excited to dress up.

Even Porter sported a princess dress for the occasion!

She was so cute opening her presents and put her hands on her face like it was just the neatest thing ever!!!

And of course her princess cake with the crown and wand that she picked out!

Earlier that day we went to the park to meet up with some friends from college. Holly and Tristen were there with their cute kids. Tristen left before we got out our cameras so I am sad I don't have any pics of them except for the ones that Saige and Lacey took of everyone before.

Lacey and Saige.

Misha by the tree and being the nice sister that she is, she is wearing one of Saige's shoes because it was giving Saige a blister and so they traded.

Reagen wouldn't hold still long enough to get a good picture of both of them. She would just say cheese as she walked off somewhere else. She is such a cutie though.

Saige was so excited to see Lacey because they live in California and we don't see them very often anymore. She is also very sad that Lacey is not her cousin and has thought that she was ever since we went and visited them in Califonia when she was 3. It has taken a lot of explaining why we are related to some people and not others.