Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had our annual Skinner Christmas party the Saturday before Christmas up at my parents, well at their church. My very kind sister Leslie, who treats my kids like her grandkids and spoils them to pieces, gave my kids a couple little gifts and man were they excited. Greyson held his the whole way home and fell asleep with them on the way. So cute!Christmas Eve at the Bischoff's. We have started a tradition of going caroling at the nursing home and then go to Rich's parents after for Christmas Eve dinner. This year I had a really bad headache so I missed out on the caroling but made it up for dinner at the Bischoff's. This year Rich's mom did a Jerusulam dinner. The kids always are so excited to go to grandmas and were so hyper for Santa was coming this very night! They didn't go to bed until way too late....
And they woke up so very very early....They came in 2 or 3 times asking if they could go out and see what Santa brought before we finally gave in...So TiReD!!!! But it was way fun seeing them so excited! The girls had to wake up Greyson this year again, just like last year. Poor kid. He would have been fine sleeping a little longer but it didn't take him long to perk right up and get in on the excitement.
And, the aftermath.....
They were pretty dang happy and pretty dang spoiled...Happy Christmas 2011!!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Its fun to see these pics! and, I can't help but spoil them! I love them to pieces!