Monday, March 9, 2009

Snow snow GO AWAY!

Yesterday my lawn was completely snow free, the sun was shining and I even saw my tulips starting to peek out of the ground....And then today.....How did it go from spring to this in one day? I probably would have liked this storm if it were, say, December maybe?

My cute girls. I am so glad they have each other. When they aren't fighting, they are pretty good friends! They are my sweeties!

Nothing better than dipping strawberries in a cream cheese/cool whip mixture!

The girls still always want to hold Greyson, but he is a lot more wiggley now and it doesn't last very long before he is about on his head.


Cassie Skinner said...

Holy Cow have some SNOW!!! I totally know what you mean about your girls can be the best of friends when they aren't fighting. I love the days when they can all just get along and love each other. I am proud to see you are still doing the mohawk. Your kids are so cute.

Leslie said...

Wow......I forgot what snow looks like! ha ha We hardly ever get any snow here......and when we do it not much! Just cold! That's ok however! lol

Hancocks said...

Oooooo... that sucks (the snow that is)! Come down here. We have NO snow and it's actually getting fairly warm- if you can call 50's warm! We'd love for you guys to come down! Mat's schedule has changed so we'll have to figure something out! The kids look adorable, as always!

Kim said...

I can't believe Jen is your cousin! It really is a small world. We knew the Workmans in dental school. Cam graduated the year before Jacob. Do you get to see them much? You'll have to tell them hi for me.

Amy W said...

You have such a darling family Tyra.