Monday, March 24, 2008


On Saturday we went to Rich's sister Jennifer's house and had a little dinner and Easter hunt for the kids. The kids were excited to go find the eggs, even though it was a little cold.
On Easter Sunday the kids woke up WAY to early!!! Saige was so excited for the EASTER BUNNY to come and I think they got us out of bed at 7:00 a.m. After they found their easter baskets and eggs we put on one of their new movies, Saige got Enchanted in her Easter basket and Misha got the new barbie Mariposa movie, and Rich and I went back to sleep for a little bit. I couldn't sleep too long though because I had to finish preparing my sharing time for primary and I was also attempting to cook a nice meal that day since we weren't going to my mom and dad's house. The dinner turned out pretty good actually, I was kind of impressed with myself. I cooked my first Turkey ever and I even made a STRAWBERRY pie, the crust and everything! We ran out of time to get any pics of the girls dressed up cute for church and by the time church was over I forgot to even get the camera out, so no cutesie pics of them but oh well! It turned out to be a fun day anyway!
I thought this picture was funny of Misha trying to get an egg out from it's hiding place behind the couch! The girls were so excited, it was fun to watch them!


Hancocks said...

Everybody is so on top of things with posting their Easter pics! Looks like you guys had a great time and the girls had fun with their baskets and hunt! Holidays are so much more fun with kids! I'm super impressed that you made a full-on Easter meal-- you go girl!!!

Jade and Todd said...

Oh man, I wanted to see your girls in their Easter dresses...How did sharing time go??

Jade and Todd said...

Oh man, I wanted to see your girls in their Easter dresses...How did sharing time go??

Rich and Tyra said...

I know, I was sad that I didn't get pics of them in their dresses. I will have to dress them up next week and take pics again. We didn't do too fancy of dresses this year though, they still are cute! Sharing time went pretty good. I am glad it is over! Now they are giving me a break until after the baby! Yeah!!!

Leslie said...

Fun! What an awesome wife and mommy! =>

Unknown said...

Tyra, thats neat that you cooked a turkey. They really arn't that hard but people think they are. I want to see the Easter girls. I'm sure you have other thinks on your mind but we love all the pictures. Love, m,e.