Thursday, March 13, 2008

What a Fun night!!!

Last night Jade and I took Saige, Misha, and Porter to Disney Princesses on Ice. Marli was suppose to be the one who came but the poor little girl has been so so sick, So Porter came instead. It was so fun to watch and I think the kids loved it!!! Saige and Misha were loving watching the princesses and Misha said "The Princess waved at me because she thinks I am beautiful!" Every time a new princess would come out Misha would get so excited and start waving and saying Hello to whatever princess it was...SO CUTE!!! I think Porter liked it too but he was getting restless by the end. When all the princesses came out at the end and everyone was oohing and aweing Porter said "Oh my heck, I hate this!" He is such funny boy!!! You would have had to heard how he said that too, becuause he was saying it like how everyone else was saying "Oh, look at all the princesses." It was a lot of fun and despite getting lost when we went out the wrong door, it all worked out pretty good. Jade's sister Brynn and her friend were also there with their little girls. My pictures didn't turn out that great because of the lighting and I was juggling my enormous pregnant stomach with Misha on my lap most of the night plus her slushie that she just had to have....

Misha, Saige, and Porter. He wouldn't look at the camera for me long enough and Misha wouldn't smile for me, so this is the best pic I could get of the 3 of them... Aren't they all just cute anyway???
Saige was happy to get a tinkerbell spinny toy... It was all she could think about once she saw them.
Tinkerbell was one of their favorites besides Ariel and of course Cinderella!!!
The Grand Finale!!!!


Leslie said...

How CUTE! That is fun that you took your girls to see that! Misha is so dang funny!! What fun memories!

Leslie said...

Saige and Mishmish are so cute and are so funny!I wish I could come and see you this is more of an e-mail because I don't have your email address!!

P.S. this is from Sari Brynn

Hancocks said...

We're jealous! Lacey's been wanting to go to Disney on Ice forever. It looks like you had a blast and I love how Misha wore her princess dress-up! What a fun Girls (and a boy) Night Out!

Mama Mia said...

Was this held in SLC or Ogden? How fun the costumes look so fun! Porter is a crack up! What a good sport...poor Marli! What a great time for the kids Ty!

Rich and Tyra said...

Yes, Misha had to wear her "princerella" dress up. She loves to dress up in it and dance around. Mia, it was in Salt Lake at the Delta center or Energy Solutions or whatever it is called now.

Candace said...

We went the night after you guys! Too bad we didn't go the same night, it would have been fun to see each other! It was so cute, wasn't it?

Tris said...

Hey Tyra-I was excited to see your comment on my blog. I look forward to following your family. How exciting that you are expecting again! I didn't know. That is awesome! Congratulations!