Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I thought it was just boys, but.....

I am so totally wrong. These little girls love to WRESTLE!!!!! They do this all the time and they think it is so funny. They laugh and giggle while they tackle each other, and it is all fun and games until, you guessed it, SOMEONE always ends up getting hurt and then the crying begins. So much fun for mom and dad, let me tell ya! Misha is body slamming Saige....
And her victory!!!! She is one tough little 2 year old!


Leslie said...

They are such funny, cute little girls!! It's nice when they are little and like to be such good friends with each other. (I miss that at my house) ha ha ;)

Hancocks said...

How fun is that?! Looks like they're gearing up for a brother. When he gets a little bigger, he'll love that his sisters love to wrestle! I just love well-rounded little girls- they're just so much fun!!

Mama Mia said...

Love how the younger sister can dominate at times! Brooklyn is starting to learn some tricks of her own! The girls are growing so quick...hope you are feeling good! I will call you!