Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Funny Things

I just wanted to write down a few funny things from the kids so I don't forget them. I am really hoping to make this blog into a book someday. I better get on that soon... Greyson has been so funny lately. And also a bit of a stinker. He is definetly in his terrible 2's. He sprayed almost a whole can of hairspray the other day while I was excercizing on his crib, toys, bathroom tile, and I am pretty sure Bugsy had some on him too... Lately if he is mad at me for telling him no he will call me stinker mommy... :) The other day he asked me "are you ty-a(Tyra) mommy"? I love how he says gama (grandma) and crap crap (grandpa). K's are T's so milk is milt, He says "I want milT in my seat seat (sippy)". Last week he was asking me where Rich was and I said "at work" and then a minute later he said "where's dada's bum?" Ummm, ok! He is so cute when he says thank you. He says it "Thants you". He loves his sissies and misses them when they are at school. Last night he was telling Rich and I that "Bugsys my friend, Sissies my friend" then Rich asked him if he was his friend and he said yes and then I asked him if I was his friend and he said NO! little stink! One night I said to him don't do that son, and he looked at me funny and said "Why you call me son mommy? My not son, My Greyson!" Occasionally when I go to change his bum he will tell me to not see his poop, and he has also said for me to not eat his poop, ya, I don't think I will have a problem with that buddy. He wants me to "go night night me mom" every night. So I lay by him until he falls asleep then I sneak out. I know I probably shouldn't have let that become a habit but he's my baby and I want him to stay little, he is growing up to fast. I know I am probably forgetting some of the funny things he has said lately because I didn't write them down fast enough so I may add more to this.


Leslie said...

So funny! I sure do LOVE that little boy!! He is a cutie! I still think you need more kids.........hint hint! I love being around your kids so much! They make me laugh and are so dang loveable!

Schad fam said...

Bahahaha Ya mommy don'e eat my poop k! I love it! HAHA!