Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Would you be mad?

So tonight as I was tucking in Saige and Misha we were talking and out of the blue Saige asks "Mom, would you be mad at me if I put a sign outside that said 3 Free Kids?" And I said, "Yes I would be mad." And Saige said "Why? How mad would you be?" And I said, "I would be very mad because I wouldn't want anyone to come and take you away from me, I always want you with me." And Misha pipes in, "I would be mad at you TOO Saige!" I am glad at least one of my girls likes being in the family! Lol! Kids say the funniest things sometimes...


Amy W said...

I am cracking up!!! 3 free kids!! I would take them all :)

Hancocks said...

Okay, totally hilarious!!! Could she make a sign for me? Sometimes I wouldn't mind giving my kids away... like at bedtime? Ha ha! Saige is so funny!

Leslie said...

Can I have them?!!! I LOVE your sweet and funny kiddo's so dang much!