Friday, September 25, 2009

Misha update.

Misha is doing really well. She is loving all the fun things people have been bringing over so Thank you to everyone! She is getting better everyday! The swelling is continuing to go down each day and she is getting better at eating everday also. She was actually able to chew little pieces of food today with her back teeth.This is from Thursday, the swelling alot better.

And these are from today so much MUCH better with the swelling. Her lips are kind of gross still and very tender. I have been trying to clean them some, as much as she will let me. It is also still hard to understand what she is saying. She kind of sounds like a person who has had a stroke, but I am getting pretty good at understanding her with out asking her to repeat too much. I don't know how long the stitches will stay in. I guess we will find out at our follow up with the oral surgeon on Monday.

Yay for the human body being able to heal itself!


Leslie said...

I'm so glad she is doing better!!! I can't believe how much better she is looking already! Kids are amazing at how fast they heal!

Ballard Family said...

Holy Crap Tyra! I just got on your blog today and I have missed like 5 posts! I am so sorry about Misha, I can't believe that! What a week you have had. It's crazy I feel like a just talk to you other day and within a couple days you have had an ER trip, new baby niece, and a wedding! I can't beleive Misha's mouth, oh my heck! so sad! So are you and Saige all ready and excited for our little girls night tomorrow? We are!!! and are you still planning on the candle party? I couldn't remember what we decided about that? I'll give you call later tonight!

Hancocks said...

Oh my gosh!!! I am so far behind on my blog stalking, but I just read through all your blogs and cannot believe this. How super sad. I would have been freaking out! I feel so bad for her swollen little face and am so glad that it is healing up and she's feeling better. I hope she continues to feel better everyday!

Looks like you've got yourself a cute little niece too. She is adorable. And I'm sorry to hear you have "fleas" (hee, hee, hee!). Kids say the funniest things! Poor Greyson's little eye too. You guys have been busy with all kinds of stuff- freak! We need to get together soon somehow! We miss you!