Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mike and Hailey's wedding.

Rich's nephew got married this month at the Salt Lake Temple. Rich had a gig so I talked Rich's brother Todd into driving us down in my van. I don't like driving in Salt Lake very much. So, we got alot of pictures outside while we were waiting for the cute couple to come out and then I never ended up getting their pics. I think by the time they came out I was so busy chasing Greyson around that I just didn't get to it. Here are some of my sister in laws and I while we are waiting. Jennifer is Mikes mom, Christina, me and greyson, and Jade.Uncle Mark trying to make friends with G.
Jade's tiny cute prego belly. She wouldn't let me get a pic of her so this is the best I could get.

He barely learned how to walk so he was loving cruising around the temple grounds. I could hardly keep up with him. And believe me, when he saw me coming after him he went even faster trying to get away.
Misha and Marli playing with the giant leaves from the trees.

I don't know why this is in here twice. Maybe cuz this is what I was doing the whole time. Chasing after him.

Jade said Todd doesn't like feeling her belly to feel when the baby is moving so he is proving that he does.

Congrats to Mike and Hailey, even tho I didn't get a pic of them. They are a beautiful couple.

1 comment:

Mama Mia said...

Everyone looks so cute! Funny about Todd feeling Jade's belly...Bruce acted the same way! We wish we could have been there thanks for the pics!