Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stuff and more Stuff...

We haven't been doing anything too exciting lately but I still wanted to post some pictures of it. So here it is. We went to Ryan's park which my kids LOVE! We told them we would stop and play for a little bit but that when it was time to go there could be no crying. Well as you can probably guess, there were a few tears shed still, but to my surprise, it was Misha not Saige. So way to go Saige!!!
Greyson liked the swing. I was trying to keep the sun out of his eyes so you get my nice shadow in the background there.
Misha was in the middle for a second and then ran off to go down the slide. She wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a picture of the 3 of them.
Rich jumped up and down on the back of this boat bouncing the girls around. He went all out and even made boat noises for them. What a great dad! They loved it!
It was PEACH DAYS last weekend. Todd and Jade were gone Friday night and Jade's little sister Marin was here watching her kids, so I went and picked them up and brought them down to the junior parade and then we took them on a few rides. Saige was too scared to go on this roller coaster but Porter, Marli and Misha went on it. You can barely see Misha's face and part of Marli's head. Marin and I were laughing so hard every time they came whipping around the corner they all had their mouths wide open screaming as loud as they could. They LOVED it and wanted to do it again!
They also loved this bounce house, until the guy told them to get out cuz their turn was over...
Sorry Jade but it was too funny. This kid is always picking his nose. He is so cute though. I'm just glad he didn't eat it......this time!!!
I think my kids were tired cuz Marli was trying to give Misha a hug and she was just not having it.

Greyson has found this high pitched little squeal that he likes to use A LOT! It is so funny to listen to him using his voice! Maybe he will be a singer like Daddy!!!

Saige has this obsession with wanting to hold him standing up...I think it makes her feel big, but I don't like letting her do it because, as you can see, I am afraid of her dropping him. She is getting better though. I have had to teach her how to do it the right way and I now find her moving him from one spot to another just so she can carry him while "standing up".
And then there is princess Misha. This little girl wants to wear a dress EVERY SINGLE DAY. Each morning she will tell me, "I want to wear a princess dress mommy." And she gets upset if I try and make her wear something else. So, Thanks to Julie for giving me all of Pyper's hand me downs and all of Saige's old dresses too or she wouldn't have quite the selection of princess dresses to choose from each day. I have to admit that I kind of like that she is so princess-ey. Saige never got into the princesses too much, so Misha is making up for it in a major way. It's cute :0) She loves to twirl and dance around in her pretty dresses.
And I just can not resist this little sweet finger sucking boy! He melts my heart!!!


Leslie said...

Cute pics!! I can't believe how big Greyson is getting! WOW ! Cute that he sucks his fingers!

Lindsay Spencer said...

Oh my heck! My nephew sucks 2 fingers too, and I've never seen any other kid do that. That's so cute. All your kids are so cute. Where is that park? It looks like fun.

Mama Mia said...

I love your post and you have been up to tons! That park looks so fun all(4)of your kids look so big and cute! Saige is such a big helper!Princess Misha has beautiful hair! Grayson and his fingers...I am dieing! Love and Miss you!:)

Rich and Tyra said...

The park is in Logan, it is SUCH a fun park! It is so big and fun! Call me and I will go with you sometime! The kids would have a blast! There is an area for the little kids and for the bigger kids.

Justin and Chalisa said...

Your kids are so cute! We gotta get together, this time I won't bail on you I promise!

Tris said...

Your kids are so cute! What is it with the bigger kids wanting to "carry" the babies? Kamree is the same way and I hate it! Myles is about as big as she is.

Heather Whitehead said...

Cute pictures looks like a fun park! I think Rich might have had more fun than your kids. ha ha

Jared Heather and Taegen Pete Johnstun said...

I wish we had a park like that where I live, it looks sooo fun. By the way, who doesn't have some sort of infatuation with the OB... he does a great job!!