Friday, September 19, 2008


As I have previously posted, Greyson is rolling over now. He is very good at rolling from his back to his tummy, which the Dr. tells me is harder for them to do than tummy to back, BUT he can't seem to figure out how to get from his tummy to his back. The hard thing is that now he has started to roll over in his SLEEP. And that means that he gets upset and wakes up crying because he doesn't like to be on his tummy so it wakes him up MAD and he can't just roll back over so I have to keep waking up to go in and roll him back over to his back! So, I am extremely tired...I thought yay! we are sleeping through the night now but now, I am getting up like 5 or 6 times a night to flip him back onto his back. I have tried rolling blankets up and wedging them beside him so he can't roll but he finds a way somehow...So, what's a tired mommy to do???
At least he is so very cute...Hopefully he will figure out to roll back over soon or learn to like sleeping on his tummy!!!


Mama Mia said...

What a handsome nephew I have! :) Hope he learns quickly so you can sleep! Nothing is worse than no sleep.

Leslie said...

He is such a cute baby!! I feel like I havent' seen him in month's instead of just 1. I want to kiss those kissy cheeks so bad!!!

Thanks for the was.....I tested it out on Ash first and it worked, but I had a hard time ripping it off.....I didn't want to hurt her. -- But she's tough!

Cute new blog!! :)

Leslie said...

WAX -- that is

Schad fam said...

He is so stinkin cute! I wish that he knew who I was (the favorite aunt) Yep Les and Steph, you heard me I WILL BE THE FAVORITE!

Amy W said...

Tyra, you don't LOOK tired!! You look like one hot mamma, givin some dope sharin time in the primary hood!

Tris said...

Tyra, my only suggestion was to be to roll up the blankets and it sounds like you have already tried that. Darn it! My 10 month old still won't sleep through the night. He stills wants a bottle. It's way annoying but my body is kind of getting used to it.

Tami said...

I can't believe how big he is already. Good luck with the rolling over thing.

Amy W said...

Hey T - I have a new old one got shut idea why!

Hope you are doing well!

Julie said...

Hi Tyra, sorry you are stressed. He is so adorable!