Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our week...

We went to visit my cousin the dentist. My kids LOVE going to the dentist. Maybe they are not normal but they always go "Yay we get to go to the dentist." I have always just tried to act like it is a fun thing so they aren't afraid of it. They think it is so fun to have their checkups and to get a new toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and of course a token to pick a prize out of the machine!!! Saige got her back molar teeth sealed but she did NOT like the cotton in her mouth, she felt like she was going to swallow it...Cute puffy cheeks... She was a little nervous about the cotton still, notice the look on her face and the way she is holding her hand...Other than that she had a great time.
Misha follows Saige's lead and acts like it is fun to go to the dentist too. Despite the look on her face in these pictures, she was just trying to open her mouth as big as an alligator, She was VERY brave and happy. She had a little tiny cavity on one of her back molars.

Rich had a check up too but I didn't get any pics of him. We picked him up from work to go to the dentist so he brought a change of clothes so he wouldn't have to be in his work clothes the whole night, but he forgot to bring his shoes, SO...this is what you get...I told him to forget the socks, but obviously he did not listen to me...He's going for comfort.
Wednesday night I started feeling pretty sick, I think I had strep, and Thursday morning I wasn't doing too much better yet. Saige was worried about me and Misha decided she was going to make "mommy princess" feel better. So, she got her bag of princess goods and started working her magic. This necklace and yellow feather were sure to make me feel better...
This is her bag of goods. After the necklace and feather were properly placed, she continued working her healing magic by painting my nails with pretend polish and rubbing pretend lotion all over my legs and arms. "Are you feeling better mommy princess?" She would also occasionally shake a random object in my face saying "This will make you feel better"...
Of course the healing process wasn't complete until she did her magic princess dance with her wand. And what do you know, with all of that and a nice prescription of antibiotics, I am feeling much MUCH better now! Thank you Misha, you sweet little thing!
Then tonight, one of our home teachers stopped by with his horse to see if the girls wanted to go for a ride. They were SO excited!!! So they went for a couple of laps around the neighborhood and along the way they even found their caterpillar tunnel that the wind blew away last night and they have been looking for it all afternoon! What lucky little girls!!!
And they are just so stinkin cute, if you ask me........


Lindsay Spencer said...

We love that horse. My kids would knock on Kevin's door and ask if Jet could play. Nice socks and shoes Rich! Very sleek and sexy. No need to worry about Sages teacher, she is great! She helped Carter love school again. I loved her. Chad was thinking of the WRONG teacher.

Tris said...

Who likes the dentist? Not me and not Kamree either. It's like pullin' teeth to get her to go. No pun intended!

Schad fam said...

Im glad you are feeling better, I need a little princess pampering myself do you think I could borrow Misha for a few days????

Leslie said...

How cute! Misha could make everyone feel better with her princess pampering! Fun!