Thursday, May 8, 2008

One Sweet Baby!

Greyson is such a sweet baby! He is so snuggly and cute! We are in LOVE with him!!!
I love BABY feet! He has got some pretty big feet for such a little guy with some LONG ol Toes!
I love when he scrunches up his little legs and mini buns up into the frog position! So SWEET!!!
And his big sisters are Constantly giving him KISSES and HUGS!!! They can't get enough of him! Neither can I! I find myself just wanting to hold him all the time and I am so sad that this little newborn phase goes by so quickly! I am just trying to enjoy EVERY minute!!! Well, except for the every 2 1/2 - 3 hour nighttime feedings! If he could get to every 4 hours that would be nice... But we are loving this little guy!!!


Leslie said...

He is sooooooooooo dang cute!!!! I can't wait to come and visit and have my turn holding & loving him!!! I can't believe how blond he is compared to the new born look of the girls!!! How sweet!
Love ya sis,

Schad fam said...

he is a keeper for sure! Im excited to visit next month and get to hold the cute little guy!

Lindsay Spencer said...

Ooooohhh! You're making me baby hungry. NOT!! I've got enough babies. But I'm so going to come love on yours.

Jess said...

Congrats! He is so sweet...I love the brown outfit and the blanket!

Drew and Amber said...

Tyra he is so precious! Congrats! You are so right about the little newborn stage going by fast.

Mama Mia said...

Ty I love these pictures! Thank you for posting them! He is soooo adorable! I can't wait to see him in June...ugggg!

Hancocks said...

He is so sweet. We wanted to stop by and see you guys when we came up to see my dad graduate, but we were without a car and without any extra time. I was bummed. Hope all is going well with three! Your family is adorable! Miss you guys!