Friday, May 16, 2008

One BUSY week!

This has been one crazy week with all of Saige's end of the year happenings. Monday was rehearsel for the dance recital on Tuesday night. It was fun to watch her perform and she did a great job. Marli was also so fun to watch and so funny! Rich has some video of it all, hopefully he will put together a little something for us to all enjoy! Saige had so much fun but was a little sad and disappointed with us because we were the loser parents that didn't get her flowers at the end of the recital. I actually had mentioned to Rich that we should get her some but it was a CRAZY day and we ran out of time. When she saw some of the other girls get flowers and she didn't she was pretty bummed and had to shed a few tears, or maybe ALOT of tears.... Sorry Saige! Maybe next year???!!! Saige and her cute little cousin Marli before their performances!
"Rockin Robin" "Tweedalede dee TWEET TWEET"!!! This is her second number, the first was "FABULOUS"!
Then today Saige had her kindergarten performance with her class singing a lot of cute songs they have learned throughout the year. Then her teacher gave out awards that she made and had thought up something for each child individually. Saige got the "BEST FRIEND" award! She has loved kindergarten and is sad for it to be over... I am glad that she loves school and hope that it continues to be that way for her. She is very smart and it is fun to hear her learning how to read and see how smart she is.
And tonight she had her performance night for gymnastics with her favorite teacher of all "Miss Jade" who is also her Aunt Jade. She is getting better at her cartwheels and hand stands. We will have to keep practicing but it has been fun to watch her improvement over the year. This is Saige and her friend Emma who was in her class with her. Saige was SO excited to get a trophy! As we were leaving she said "I can't believe I won my first trophy!" It has been a busy but fun week watching Saige in all of her activities! She has kept us busy and I am glad that she enjoyed it all so much. I am looking forward to summer break for a little less busy-ness, the only thing we are signed up for so far is swimming lessons... and I am looking forward to not having to get up and get her ready for school...I am tired!!!! This newborn schedule that we are on with the nighttime feedings is making me SO sleepy! But we love it all!!!! :)


Tris said...

Sooooo glad to not be in the "newborn" stage anymore. It is wonderful when they start to sleep throught the night. It's amazing what a difference it can make for "the mom." Only a few more months to go.

Man, you have been busy. I can't imagine having three kids and all the running around you have been doing. And just so you know-summer really doesn't slow down either. You'll be busy keeping your kids busy.

Mama Mia said...

Wow I am tired just from reading all the things you have going on! Saige and Marli look so cute I can't wait to see video of it all!

Hancocks said...

How fun Tyra! You have been busy! When did you have time to stop and feed that little babe? I'm with ya on the summer break thing. It's nice to do something different for a change. Too bad we don't get out of school until June 19th! I'm ready for summer NOW! Your kids are so cute. How old is Misha in the picture on the right hand side of the blog? Like 25 or something? They are growing up so fast!