Tuesday, April 22, 2008

To be induced or not to be?

I went in for my 38 week check up yesterday. Needless to say I was a little frustrated. I am a little more dilated and a little more effaced but not too much has changed from last week. Even though I am having tons of contractions,etc... I am still measuring about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks ahead. So I am measuring about 40 weeks. He said if I want to then I can pick a day next week for him to start me, or if I am ok with staying pregnant I can just wait and see what happens. HHMMM!!! What to do??? Seriously, I know most people are like "Just pick a day!" But for some reason I am struggling with this decision. In some ways I feel like "Get him out of there already" but in some ways I feel like I should just let him come when he wants to! I am sure I am driving my family crazy with my emotional state of mind but seriously, I wish my Dr. would have just told me what to do instead of having me choose because I feel to wishy washy about it all! Anyway. Just thought I would let you know the update and we will let you all know as soon as we (or I) decide what to do... Rich is leaving it up to me, I think he is afraid of what my hormones might do if he TELLS me what to do! Thanks for putting up with me Rich, and Saige, and Misha, and anyone else who has had to listen to me lately!


Tris said...

I am no help at all in this matter. Considering I have never been in your shoes. Good luck with everything. The important thing is that baby and mommy are healthy. I think the good thing about this decision is that either way you decide to go things should be okay.

Unknown said...

Tyra, you sound like a women ready to have a baby, and it't hard to know what to do. You can wait until we ge home. Ha,Ha and this to will pass. We love you and can't wait to see you and all the other cuties in the family.
Love, me

Lindsay Spencer said...

I feel your pain! I gave you some tips, you'll have to use them. Rich, listen to your wife! :)

Leslie said...

When you can't stand being pregnant any more you'll set a date......or he'll just come on his own. Now that's helpful huh? lol
Love ya.....hang in there! ;)

Mama Mia said...

With my 3rd I set a date and loved it. It was nice to plan ahead so I could have my kids taken care of and arranged for since I have no family around! Are you worried he isn't ready? If the doc said any time, I think he will be fine!

Hancocks said...

I'm a freak about getting induced for some reason. It just seems unnatural to me to make a baby come before they are ready and I'm afraid my body won't go into labor if I'm induced (stupid, I know. It has to right?!), but hey, everybody's doing it! And I know it is safe to be induced and I've talked to a lot of people who have done it and loved it. Maybe I'm just a fan of surprises! I know whatever you choose will be the right thing for YOU and really you can't go wrong either way. Whatever you choose, it's hard to believe he'll be here real soon!!! We're so excited so keep us posted!

Lindsay Spencer said...

Hey Rich, my new blog address is lindsays-creations.blogspot. Have fun next week with a new baby!