Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I was just looking through pictures on the computer and I just am overwhelmed with my feelings for these 3. I am SO thankful that I get to be a mom and even though at times these 3 can drive me crazy.....I wouldn't trade them for anything in the whole world. They give more meaning to my life and fill my heart up with more love than I ever thought was possible. I want more than anything else to raise them the best I can and hope that they can overcome where I fall short. I love all the funny things they do and say and all the pictures they draw for me and the hugs and kisses I get. They make me want to be better, to do better. I just wish they weren't growing up so fast because I am realizing what a short short time they get to be little....and all mine. Someday they will grow up and move away and even though I am sure there are good things that come with that, It also makes me sad. So today I am thankful that they are still little and that I get to tuck them in at night and that Misha still wants me to snuggle with her and that Saige wants a story every night and they want a song and that Greyson still sleeps in a crib and that I can sneak in every night and watch them sleep....and realize how much I love them...even if it was a hard day....I am thankful for these 3.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fall program and Halloween!
Misha did her cute little fall program at her preschool last week and they got to wear their costumes. You can't see her very good. Since our kids are tall they always get stuck on the back row.
Greyson was cute and had to clap after every song. What a music loving little guy he is! Wonder where he gets it?!
She was SO excited that Grandpa Kenny and Grandma Mary Ellen came and brought Porter and Marli with them!

Rich had another gig so he missed out on Halloween with us and I had to single mom it all weekend. Here they are all ready for the halloween carnival at Saige's school Friday night.
Here is the actual halloween day photos. Can you guess who Saige is? Taylor Swift is one of her Favorite singers!
And Misha is Hannah Montana or Mylee Cyrus. We could never decide actually which one she was being but since they are the same person.....
Cute little pop stars don't ya think? Saige has asked me a few times, "Mom, do you think I could be famous someday?"
And let's not forget the littlest one. Greyson was a cute little Scarecrow. He wasn't too sure about the "straw" or the "nose" but he humored me and actually left it on for the most part. We got alot of comments about "Oh, HOW CUTE!" So I guess it turned out ok. He really was SO fun this year! Especially trick or treating. He was loving running around and getting candy. It was fun to watch him figuring it all out!
And now that he has discovered "Candy".... I think we are in trouble. He really likes it! That is a bag of m&m's in his hand. The only way he would hold still for the picture. He is running around constantly lately. You cannot get him to hold still for a picture. Too many things to do and make messes of!!!

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