Monday, December 29, 2008

8 Months Old...

This cute little boy just keeps on growing so fast! He is such a sweetie. He is very mellow and happy. He hasn't been doing too well with sleeping through the night again but that is about the only thing that is hard with him. I tried the letting him cry one night after I got a bunch of crap that he is still wanting to nurse in the night, I won't name any names... After 2 hours of crying he finally went to sleep, it was hard to listen to him do that. He did sleep through the night for a couple weeks after that but has started waking up again. I can't seem to get myself to put him through another night of crying like that though. I would rather just help him be happy than listen to the sadness and feel bad. Other than that he is such a good natured little guy.He rolls around and gets where he needs to go, No crawling yet. He has been trying to push up on his hands and legs but face plants shortly after. I have to say I am ok with it that he isn't crawling yet. I have a feeling that once he is mobile, my life is going to change to the busier!!! He liked playing under the Christmas tree...
His first time bowling at the Bischoff family Christmas party!!! He pretty much slept the whole time. He is out growing his Car seat. Good thing Santa brought him a new one for Christmas!

He likes to sit in his little high chair and pat everything.

We love our little Greyson! He has the cutest little laugh and loves LOVES loves his sisters! He has started to get slightly sad when we leave the room and he isn't with us.


Hancocks said...

He is just too cute! I can't believe how big he is getting!

Leslie said...

I wish I could see him more!!! He is such a fun baby!