Monday, April 28, 2008

We are here at the hospital!!

So the hospital asked Trya to call them this morning at 6:00 and when she called they said that they were to busy and to call back in a couple of hours. So she called back at 8ish but they said they were to busy with C-sections and people in real labor and more than likely it would not be until until after noon when they got us in.

So I went out and did some work on the yard, put the fence back up and Tyra went on a walk and went to Wally World with her Mom. So Trya called back twice once at 10:00 and once at 1:00 and they finally said, ok, can you be here by 3? So here we are. We shall keep you posted. Right now the nurse is hooking her up to the drugs. We are excited to be here! Rich

5:25 Pm
The Doc just broke the water and we are at a 2 & 75% effaced, Tyra says the contractions are getting painful. I am rubbing her neck and feeding her ice chips. Rock On! Doctor is shooting for 10 PM to have the baby. Rich

Tyra is at a 3 and 80%, contractions still painful, but no pain meds yet. We are watching Extra and something about Mylee Cyrus. Tyra's mom is at our house watching the kids, She just called and is going to call back in an hour. She is thinking about coming over with the kids.

I ran and got a burger at 7:30. Tyra got the epidural about 25 mins ago. She is now sleeping. We had dancing with the stars on when the anesthesiologist came in and he made fun of the bigger girl. Tyra states that getting the epidural this time was more painful. Than the last two pregnancy's. She is at a 5.


Callee said...

Tyra I have been thinking about you all day. And have been wondering what has been going on. I bet it has been a long day for you. Good luck with everything. You will do great. Can't wait to meet the new little guy.

Jade and Todd said...

You look so good Tyra! Arent you so excited! Im so glad Rich is keeping us updated on the blog, that way I wont keep calling! Call me for sure when your at a 6 or so,Or have your mom call me, so I can keep the girls!

Jade and Todd said...

Oh and how could I forget! How is Fowers today???!!!Just teasin!

Rich and Tyra said...

Jade I will let you know when Fowers is here so you can pop your head in and lust after him. Don't let Todd read this post.

Mama Mia said...

Love your hair Ty! I have been thinking of you all day...I didn't want to call because I thought you would be in heavy labor...should have just checked the pictures Rich asap! We love you guys!

Mama Mia said...

Hey if you wait until 12:01 in the morning your baby will be born on Bruce's b-day!

Lindsay Spencer said...

I'm so stinkin excited! Come on baby boy pop on out! Rich you better post a picture asap. Tyra, don't rush it, enjoy the meds. LOL

The Nields said...

Hey Ty! I am patiently waiting up to hear when your new lil guy has safely arrived! I am lovin that Rich is posting updates! Hope he doesn't stop amongst all the excitement or I may be up all night:) Been thinking about you all day! Good Luck.. hope he hurries for you! We are so excited for you guys! ---Abby

Tris said...

Oh how exciting! I love that Rich is doing a play by play. It's like we are all right there. Betch you're glad we're not! Good luck! I hope everything goes well for baby and mom!

Shalyse said...

HOW FUN....have you had him yet??? maybe you are pushing RIGHT NOW!!! :-)

Amy W said...

Tyra and Rich we are so happy for you! He is perfect. We can't wait to meet him!