Friday, January 25, 2008

Four Things and More to Know About Me!

Ok, I have never been tagged before so I don't know if I am doing this right. Also this is my first post so we will see how it goes!

A: Four jobs I have had in my life
(There are so many, I will just put my favs)
1. Movie Theater in high school
2. Medical Assistant at Dr. Young's office
3. Hair Stylist
4. Currently working at ER as a registrar part time
5. Ok, I know it said 4 but I can't forget my favorite job of all as Mommy!

B: Four movies I would watch over and over
I don't watch too many movies over and over unless they are Disney it seems, and even then
I am not really watching!

C: Four places I have lived
1. Dingle Idaho (Rich loves telling people that one)
2. Logan
3. Brigham City
4. I guess there are only 3 on that one

D: Four tv shows I watch
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Whatever dancing reality show is on at the time
4. I also can't wait for Lost to start up again (Mia)

E: Four of my favorite foods
1. Mexican
2. Sandwiches
3. Seafood
4. Chocolate

F: Four Places I would rather be
1. Anywere warm!

G: Four places I have been
1. Florida
2. Louisiana
3. Arizona
4. California

H: Four things I am looking forward to in 2008
1. Our new baby boy in May!!!
2. Misha finishing potty training (We have started and she's doing good)
3. Getting the girls situated in a room together to make room for baby
4. Not having heartburn and the other uncomfortable things pregnancy brings! Although it is
kinda fun right now and I love feeling him moving around!


Mama Mia said...

Super first blog!! Yeah! So fun to read! I can't wait to meet baby boy Bischoff! Go Misha!

Hancocks said...

Awesome first blog Tyra!! Fun little tidbits of info to know!! It was so fun to be able to chat with you tonight too!

Callee said...

Great job on the blog Tyra. I loved reading all the fun facts about you. We should get together soon.

Rich and Tyra said...

Thanks everyone! It was so fun talking to you Holly, we need to keep in touch better. Callee we definetly need to get togeter soon! I can't wait to see your hair, how did it turn out?