Ok, I have never been tagged before so I don't know if I am doing this right. Also this is my first post so we will see how it goes!
A: Four jobs I have had in my life
(There are so many, I will just put my favs)
1. Movie Theater in high school
2. Medical Assistant at Dr. Young's office
3. Hair Stylist
4. Currently working at ER as a registrar part time
5. Ok, I know it said 4 but I can't forget my favorite job of all as Mommy!
B: Four movies I would watch over and over
I don't watch too many movies over and over unless they are Disney it seems, and even then
I am not really watching!
C: Four places I have lived
1. Dingle Idaho (Rich loves telling people that one)
2. Logan
3. Brigham City
4. I guess there are only 3 on that one
D: Four tv shows I watch
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Whatever dancing reality show is on at the time
4. I also can't wait for Lost to start up again (Mia)
E: Four of my favorite foods
1. Mexican
2. Sandwiches
3. Seafood
4. Chocolate
F: Four Places I would rather be
1. Anywere warm!
G: Four places I have been
1. Florida
2. Louisiana
3. Arizona
4. California
H: Four things I am looking forward to in 2008
1. Our new baby boy in May!!!
2. Misha finishing potty training (We have started and she's doing good)
3. Getting the girls situated in a room together to make room for baby
4. Not having heartburn and the other uncomfortable things pregnancy brings! Although it is
kinda fun right now and I love feeling him moving around!