Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Anniversary Baby!

Tyra and I have been married 10 years today. She is a great mom, wife and friend. Love you babe!


Abel family said...

How cute you are Tyra. Richard how lucky you got! Hey my husbands best friend is Sean Georgiana. He says he knows you well. What a small world!!!!!!
Come visit. Now you have many reasons to come to Ashland and get the fresh country air!


Mama Mia said...

This is a sweet post Rich. Tyra these pictures are so beautiful! I can't believe it has been 10 years. I remember Rich coming over to our USU apartment and talking about you! I of course told him you were a great catch and was pulling for you! Yeah for 10 years!

Hancocks said...

How sweet!! Congrats on 10 years!! Wasn't it just yesterday that we were doing the Brothersage thing, eating out whenever we wanted, and going to lots of movies? Where has the time gone?!?!? I remember the crisp cold day you got married like it was yesterday! Were you able to go do anything fun? We talked about a cruise- whatever happened to that? So happy for you guys- hooray for 10 years!!

Shalyse said...

Congratulations on 10 years! look at all the great things you guys have done in that time!!! you guys are so cute! I bet there is never a dull moment at your house with Richard making his video's and singing...maybe he'll write you a song!! I am so jealous!!!

Rich and Tyra said...
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Rich and Tyra said...

Julee, yep, Sean and I were mission comps and friends in the mission field. He was a fun comp, ask him about the bull castrations we did. We need to make a trip out there.

Holly, Time flys. (Tell Mat I got his text message BTW) It is amazing that Bro Sage and eating out every night was that long ago. It was a crisp cold day that we got married, but it was a hot night ;). We still need to do the cruise thing. But it might have to wait until Ty has the kid.